• Someone’s Breaking In — Should You Issue A Warning?

    We’ve covered multiple stories where either unarmed intruders or armed intruders got access to someone’s home before the homeowner was able to respond with deadly force.  The real question is – do you issue a warning prior to shooting the suspects? This is a hard question to answer as many concealed carriers and gun owners…

  • You’re Involved In A Self-Defense Shooting And You’ve Been Shot In The Leg, Are You Prepared Until Help Arrives?

    Any time guns are involved by one or more parties, there’s a reasonable chance a concealed carrier is apt to take a bullet.  Most states require some form of firearms training prior to getting that concealed carry permit but none that we know of require any training in emergency first aid.  As we discussed in…

  • Will Your Car Stop Bullets?

    Will Your Car Stop Bullets?

    Getting caught in your vehicle in a gunfight is like being the fish in the ole “shooting fish in a barrel” saying.  While plenty of gangsters seem to think shooting from a vehicle makes a whole bunch of sense – any amount of ballistic testing shows that car doors provide little to no actual protection…

  • Are You Carrying The Right Self-Defense Ammo?

    When a bullet strikes a living thing, it creates a pathway for blood and bodily fluid to flow out.  That’s what inevitably causes death – outside of direct hits to the brain, heart, or other vital organs.  When blood pressure drops below a certain point, the victim loses consciousness.  If blood continues to exit, after…

  • [BEGINNERS GUIDE] Don’t Be A Victim

    A resident in North Carolina successfully used a handgun to defend his home against two intruders. One of the intruders was found in a vehicle with life threatening injuries: the other fled on foot and was captured. The reporter at WCNC comes to the exactly opposite conclusion of what most people would, and felt compelled…

  • [BEGINNERS GUIDE] Is Your Concealed Carry Firearm Ready For Daily Carry? You’d Be Surprised At How Many Aren’t

    What constitutes ‘ready’ anyway? Is simply having your firearm with a chambered round on your hip enough? When I see the following steps taken, it drives me up the wall. 1. Buy a new firearm for concealed carry 2. Immediately start carrying that firearm One of my friends has had his concealed carry permit for a…

  • Cover VS Concealment: What’s The Difference?

    Nobody should ever stand out in the open and trade bullets with a bad guy.  The second rounds start coming in, it’s well advised to take up some stable amount of cover.  But what constitutes cover versus concealment and why is one more advantageous than the other?  In this article, we’ll break down what each…

  • THE PLAN, PART 1: Having a Team Plan, At Home

    Preparation could be considered a credo for most Concealed Carriers. We strive and work to be as prepared as possible for whatever may occur during our day to day that may result in the use of our firearm. Whether that be at work, out and about running errands, or even just at home. Whatever the…

  • CHECKLIST: 12 Guidelines For Successful Concealed Carry

    By Ben Findley. Republished with permission from USACARRY.COM The 12 Concealed Carry (CC) guidelines and information that follow are not meant to be boring or redundant for experienced shooters, but rather to serve as a reminder and a basic, practical Checklist to help everyone go through the critical things necessary for success in CC. Sometimes…