Beginners Guides
Via For some folks, shooting is a part of everyday life, whether it is down at the gun range fine-tuning your aim or outdoors hunting. However being exposed to the loud noise of shooting on a continuous bases can have a long term (and possibly permanent) affect on your hearing if you do not take…
By Robert Farago via The Truth About Guns I oppose mandatory firearms training. It violates our Second Amendment protection against government infringement on the right to keep and bear arms. That said, I’ve been impressed with the instruction rammed down my metaphorical throat. Tedious yes, but comprehensive; instructors cover everything from how a gun works to the…
By Mark via Growing Up Guns Rebecca Bahret of contacted me recently about compiling a list of the top X-number of safety tips for gun storage when kids are present. I was flattered she thought enough of the blog to ask me. I obliged, obviously, and thought of ten items. With word-count limits, deadlines,…
How To Talk To Businesses That Ban Guns
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In a previous article, we discussed several large chains that had standing “no weapons” policies in place for a majority of their nationwide venues. This is very annoying for the responsible concealed carrier who tries to stay within the laws. A big one we keep hearing about is the issue of carrying concealed into movie…
Does Exercise Improve Concealed Carry?
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By Luke McCoy via USA Carry In this article, we’re going to explore some opinions on how exercise affects concealed carry skills. Why do we need exercise in the first place? Isn’t having a gun more important than a workout? There’s two basic forms of exercise that really improve overall readiness: Aerobic fitness – your…
Recently we got a Facebook message from an avid reader who wanted to know our reasoning behind the idea of always aiming for center mass. The reader said that one of his relatives didn’t understand why limb shots or head shots wouldn’t be preferable to a center mass shot. The rationale is understandable — the…
We get asked a lot, “what’s the minimum age I need to be to apply for a concealed handgun license (in my state)?” As many concealed carriers know, age restrictions change drastically from state-to-state. There is no current federal minimum requirement so it is left up to state legislature. Most states have agreed 21 or…
We recently got a Facebook submission asking us to address the issue of concealed carriers forgetting they’re armed. It’s a good topic because it’s come up in our news feed — specifically a case of an SBI agent leaving her firearm in the bathroom. In this article, we’re going to address it in one easy…
We’ve previously covered a bunch of road rage incidences — some ending in favor of the concealed carrier and others not so much. In this article, we’re going to address some of the common factors observed across the board and talk about ways to de-escalate a perceived threat while driving. Observing Stress Points While Driving…