Beginners Guides
We’ve all seen the classic Mythbusters episode where Jamie attempts to attack Adam with a knife to demonstrate the distance at which a knife can be lethal. Ultimately, the experiment proved that even at longer-than-expected distances (20 feet), an attacker has the opportunity to deliver a critical blow to a defending gunman. If you haven’t…
How To De-Escalate And Avoid Bad Situations — Preventative Steps To Get Out Of The Fight Before It Begins
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We get a lot of questions about tips for de-escalating a conflict or avoiding one altogether. Well, this question is really two parts. There’s the part where you’re lucky or just observant enough to spot a conflict brewing and step out of its way and then there’s the second part — the one where you’re…
[VIDEO] What To Do When Stopped By The Police While Carrying Concealed? Former Police Officer, SIG Instructor Gives His Take
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If you’re an everyday concealed carrier, there’s going to be at least one time in your life you’ll be pulled over by a police officer. The encounter in of itself can be a cause for stress. In this video by Sig Sauer Academy Instructor and former police officer Adam Painchaud goes over his best advice…
“How Do You Know Where Not To Carry (Or Do You Just Look For Signs)?” We Have Answers (And A Diagram!)
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Ever walk up towards a building and see a faded sticker in the corner of the doorway? As a concealed carrier, it’s always a momentary pause as we try to figure out at a distance whether the premise we’re entering into is a “gun free zone”. We all know “gun free zones” are a unicorn…
“SWATting” is a relatively new and nefarious phenomena where anonymous internet trolls gain access to sensitive records of “prey” and then forge up an excuse for a SWAT team to raid that person’s home. When SWAT arrives, they absolutely believe whatever they’ve been told prior to arriving on your doorstep or place of work. They…
For those with an athletic lifestyle but still want to be able to carry concealed, we’ll go over a few ways that’s possible. Each person has different proportions and runs a slightly different way, so it’s important to try out the options that you think would work best and go from there. Traditional Inside The…
Gloves, puffy jackets, cold weather. It all affects the way we carry our firearm and how we prepare to draw if we should ever have to. In this quick video above, Alien Gear Holsters walks us through a few important things to consider when getting ready for winter carry. Have anything else to add? Let…
We all know there are “duty to inform” states and then there are gray areas inbetween. But where does a passenger fall in on this? In this article, we’ll discuss some tips and strategies that may help you walk yourself or another through a similar situation. But first, ask yourself a series of questions. If…