Beginners Guides
When Bad Holsters Turn Worse: This Guy Took One Right In The A$$, Here’s Why A Proper Holster Is Essential
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*WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES BELOW* Editor’s Note: Many have been asking what ammunition was being carried at the time of the incident to make such a big hole. The answer: Speer Gold Dot 9mm 115 grain +P+ One of our newest writers, Erin, noticed a post in a group on Facebook and asked me if I…
Ladies, Choose Your Own Firearm
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“Honey, you shouldn’t have! No, I mean it, you really shouldn’t have!” That’s the response many women have after their significant others buy them their first firearm. If this isn’t the response at first, trust me, it will be after their first ever trip to the range. And if you ask the husband why he…
Not everyone likes the same handgun. We’re all different, which is why not every woman prefers the same type of holster, either. IWB is the most popular choice for most women, followed by the belly band, for on-body carry. Then, there’s the bra holster. I have never owned a bra holster, until this past week.…
So many times during a conversation, that line has come into play. I’ll meet someone and they’ll bring up shooting and start to ask questions. I secretly squeal on the inside when that line is said and they aren’t actively practicing shooting, or never have, but are happy to report that they have a CCW…
Every concealed carrier has his or her own particular needs. That’s the reason why we always stress comfort, reliability, and safety as the chief components when considering holster options for concealed carry. But what if you’re a woman with legitimate issues keeping you from holstering a traditional IWB? The last thing we’d ever advocate is…
BEGINNERS: Purse Carry Tips For Women
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So many times, women will ask me about my favorite concealed carry purse, or the best place within a purse to carry a firearm. My answer honestly? I don’t carry off-body unless I absolutely have no other option. If I know I’m going to a wedding or a function where i have to wear a…