Beginners Guides
How To Get The Most Out Of Your 9mm
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The nine millimeter round has become synonymous with self-defense handguns due to its versatility and combat viability. The only issue has been the ephemeral “stopping power” — the capacity for a combatant to be neutralized after being struck with its rounds. Now, we’ve discussed how stopping power has more to do with precision and accuracy than…
As a beginner to concealed carry, you may feel reluctant to immediately put a fully loaded handgun into your carry holster. Even though carrying with a round in the chamber is the most ideal and practical way to carry a concealed handgun, plenty of newcomers still ask one simple question: “Should I use a practice gun?”…
Should You Try And Catch A Falling Gun?
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I’ve dropped a gun once. It wasn’t even mine. I was at the range with a buddy (sorry, man!) and he was showing me his brand new pistol. I don’t recall what it was off hand, but it was a beauty. I picked it up, made sure it was clear, and next thing we know…
This is a 4-part series submitted by reader Steven, where he takes us through his journey to becoming a firearms owner. Read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 first, if you haven’t already. Maybe you, or someone you know is considering becoming a gun owner for the first time. I very recently started to consider the idea of owning…
You’re A Passenger In A Vehicle, Carrying A Firearm, And Are Stopped By Police. What Should You Do?
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We received a question through our Facebook page awhile back and wanted to address an important question: what should you do if you’re a passenger in a vehicle that is stopped by police and you’re carrying a concealed firearm? We’re not attorneys nor do we purport to attempt to give legal advice so ultimately if…
By Luke McCoy via USA Carry Some concealed carriers swear by it, others call it excessive. Carrying more than one handgun for personal protection has some distinct advantages and disadvantages. Do you pack more than one pistol when you head out into the world? In this article, we’re going to take a long look at…
[VIDEO] Is The .380 Worth Carrying?
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A large percentage of women come through my class who arrive with one of two guns, usually that someone bought for them. The first is a .38 snubbie and the second is a .380 mouse gun. Both types are extremely popular among women, especially those women who are new to shooting. We know that while…