Beginners Guides
What Age Did You Learn About Guns?
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Believe it or not, we’re in the middle of a golden age in terms of firearm knowledge and learning. Information is available through a Google search and there are communities of active instructors and firearms professionals that vet knowledge to ensure it’s quality (or not). As such, beginner firearm owners can go quickly from 0…
Airsoft and paintball are two shooting sports enjoyed by millions the world over. Both offer firearms enthusiasts a lot in terms of team building, coordination, exercise, and using principles of marksmanship. Is there any advantage for a concealed carrier to get in on either of these sports? As surprising as it may sound — there’s…
By Luke McCoy via USA Carry This article topic comes in by special request from a Facebook reader who wanted to know how to handle a hug while carrying a concealed handgun. Summer barbecues, family gatherings, church functions — these are all times people just walk up to us and give us a welcoming hug.…
Women are crossing over to the world of firearms at a record pace, and this includes concealed carry. The number of questions and comments that we receive from women on a near-daily basis now is encouraging, and we continue to try and provide better content that is specific to the different topics that come up for them.…
Three Primary Defensive Firearms
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More Americans are well armed now than ever before despite the constant attack on our Second Amendment by the anti-gun propaganda machine. At the time of this writing there is roughly 12 million Americans with a concealed carry permit and obviously tens of millions more that keep a gun in the house for protection. When…
Many individuals are on the verge of choosing their first weapon for personal protection. Selecting a handgun is a demanding decision as the requirements for each individual are different. It is a highly personal choice. Handguns in particular are very individual. There is no one-size-fits-all. This article is intended to assist you in making this…