• Can Laser Sights Help Shot Grouping And Target Acquisition?

    Accuracy and speed — two valuable components of prevailing in any defensive gun use situation. A big question we get asked is whether or not laser sights help improve either. For those who may not be familiar, there are quite a few aftermarket laser sights that can be installed in a variety of positions on…

  • Working And Loaded: How To Conceal A Firearm On The Job

    You have a license to carry a concealed handgun, now you want to carry it with you everywhere. That’s great! Carrying a handgun onto someone else’s private property — i.e. your place of employment — brings with it some additional questions. NOTE: I’m going off of my own experience dealing with multiple different employers and…

  • Cold Weather And Handguns: Do Freezing Temperatures Affect Firearm Function?

    A reader recently wrote in and asked us to do a segment on the effects of freezing temperatures on concealed carry handguns. The issue comes up as we head into the deep winter months and temperatures routinely plunge down below freezing. For those who leave a handgun in a vehicle — especially if you work…

  • [VIDEO] Concealed Carry Lessons For Protecting Yourself And Family

    In this special bonus edition of Extreme Huntress 2017, the finalists get a visit from Jason Burton of Springfield Armory, and Carol Craigshead, owner of Crossbreed Holsters. They’ll learn about the advantages and practicalities of protecting themselves and their families with the aid of concealed carry firearms, then they’ll take those lessons to the range.

  • Essential Self-Defense Law Part III: Maintain Innocence

    Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part I: Imminence’ Here Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part II: Appropriate Force’ Here In the first part of this three part article I laid out three essential principles of self-defense law that all armed citizens should be familiar with: understanding of imminence, understanding of appropriate force, and the maintenance of innocence…

  • Low Light Shooting: A Realistic Approach for the Concealed Carrier

    There is an entire industry, both in manufacturing and in training, which caters to “night fighting” and it gets a lot of attention. Many of these products and techniques are relevant to military and law enforcement personnel. However, outside of the home, low light shooting techniques play an incredibly small (virtually non-existent) part in civilian…

  • How To Talk To Your Parents About Getting A Gun — A Conversation With My Mom

    Recently, I had the pleasure of helping my mother install a home security system. I thought it was a great first step in her home security and it’s something she’s talked to me about for awhile. It brought up another topic of conversation: home defense and gun ownership. In my family, I have an aunt…

  • [WOMEN] Learning To Carry; Same Gun, Same Place, Everyday

    A large majority of the women who come through my classes has raised the concern about storage of their firearm when they’re not carrying it. It seems simple enough to answer at first. Certainly, it needs to be unloaded and locked in a safe, especially if children are in the home. But, this is Concealed…

  • Essential Self-Defense Law Part II: Appropriate Force

    Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part I: Imminence’ Here Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part III: Maintain Innocence’ Here In the first installment of this article I laid out three legal principles that I firmly believe all armed citizens should be well aware of as a bare minimum of self-defense law understanding: The ability to recognize an…