• What to Put in Your Range Bag: the Basics

    Alright, so you’ve got a dedicated range bag. Now, what do you put in it? Well, a lot of what we’re about to cover here should be pretty self-explanatory, but as always, it’s good to cover the basics. Let’s dig in. Medical Kit Of course this has got to come first, because safety has to…

  • How to Pick a Range Bag

    How to Pick a Range Bag

    If you’re going to visit the gun range once a year or so — which many gun owners do, there’s little need for a dedicated bag made specifically for the purpose of moving your kit to and fro. If you’re doing so habitually — or looking to make a habit of range trips soon —…

  • WRITER SERIES: The 5 Most Important Things I’ve Learned Since Carrying A Firearm – Dan Zimmerman

    If you’re reading this, you probably carry a firearm, at least some of the time. There are well over 16 million concealed carry permits issued in the US and lots of people live in states where no permit to carry is necessary. Interest in concealed carry continues to grow as carry guns have been the fastest…

  • 5 Great Pocket Carry Pistols

    5 Great Pocket Carry Pistols

    Truth be told, concealed carry isn’t always easy. Or convenient. In the winter, when you’re wearing extra clothing, putting on a sweater or walking around with a cover jacket — even indoors — isn’t a big deal. You can get away with a comfy outside-the-waistband set-up and no one will be the wiser. But there…

  • What To Look For When Buying a Used Firearm

    Admit it. You’re intimidated by the thought of buying a used gun. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Plenty of gun owners are. “Why did someone let go of that WonderNine Gen2?” “Does the fact that it’s for sale mean there’s something wrong with it?” “What if I buy a dud?” First, relax. While yes,…

  • How Long Have You Been Carrying A Firearm, And What Have You Learned?

    Big question with the last one, I know. Hopefully, you’ve been learning new things all the time and continue to mold yourself into a responsible concealed carrier. We can never learn too much and we can never train enough. With that said, we’d like to simply throw out two questions: How long have you been…

  • How To Tell If Your Concealed Carry Firearm Is A Piece Of Crap

    When you carry a gun, you want to make sure that it’ll have your back at all times. By this, I mean that you’ve got 100% confidence in that firearm. Not 99%, and definitely not any lower. But how can you tell if your gun is going to be 100% reliable, and isn’t in fact…

  • How To Deal With Bad Neighbors

    How To Deal With Bad Neighbors

    If you’re a homeowner, you have a deed. For most people, that deed is in the slimy hands of their mortgage lender. But, on that deed, there’s usually a description of the plot of land that a home rests upon. And at the town officer, that deed lines up with a plot of surveyed land.…

  • Defensive Scenario: What Happens If Someone Threatens You With A Fake Gun?

    All it takes is a split second. A bad guy pulls out a gun while you’re pumping gas or walking up to an ATM and you have no time to decide how to react. As a concealed carrier, you know your life is on the line every day you step foot out of the home.…