Beginners Guides
Something I will always remember from the first time I shot a gun is what I was thinking before I pulled the trigger. I thought about how I had the power in my hands to inflict serious harm on another person. Carrying a firearm is a huge responsibility, and individuals who do should definitely know…
Are you trained and certified to perform First Aid and/or CPR? If you’re not, I cannot encourage it more highly, and here’s why: it’s even more important that the responsibly-armed citizen know how to handle traumatic injuries than anyone else. As a concealed carrier, what you’re doing, essentially, is preparing for the worst in the…
I’m talking about outside of your home. It doesn’t count if you were practice-carrying inside, although we do recommend this before going out into the real world. For most, carrying their firearm in public for the first time is something that they remember, mainly because it can come with so many unknowns. I remember the…
Question: What’s Your Summer Carry Setup?
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This doesn’t apply to everyone, especially to those in the south. However, many of you come from the colder regions and make adjustments to your carry setup depending on the season. And with the warm weather upon us, many opt for smaller firearms to carry. I’m originally from New York and would have the following…
So, you’re looking for a new home defense firearm. The first thing you have to ask yourself when looking for a home defense firearm is easy: why? Why is my current firearm not adequate for home protection? If you’re starting off with your very first firearm, the answer to that is easy. If not, keep…