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TRAGIC: CCW’er Holds Man With Knife At Gunpoint After He Stabbed And Killed His Child’s Mother
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Via TTAG Tragedy struck the Seattle Center on Friday, November 2, as a man’s argument with his former girlfriend escalated to murder. The woman, 28-year-old Gabrielle Garcia, was with their five-year-old son at the time and had a standing no-contact order against the father. In full view of his own child as well as many witnesses, the man…
Via TTAG As John Boch recently discussed, it’s not a good idea to go outside to confront a suspicious person in your yard. Around 3:30 a.m. this past Monday morning in Las Vegas, an elderly homeowner in his eighties lost his life in a struggle with a stranger on his patio. That stranger was Sheldon Thomas, age 34. Based on…
Via TTAG “Oxycodone! Where’s the Oxycodone?!” yelled Brandon Galette, who had just burst through the door of Smithgall’s Pharmacy in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, wearing a black ski mask and brandishing a 9mm handgun. It was a little after 2:30 p.m. on October 22 and Galette had brought along an accomplice, also wearing a ski mask. Galette and his accomplice proceeded…
A Fair Comparison Between 9mm and 40S&W
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By Josh Wayner via TTAG Today on State Your Case we’re taking a look at two of the most hotly debated and widely carried cartridges of our day and putting them head-to-head: the 9mm and .40 S&W. The only thing I ask is that when you state your case about what I write here, at…
New Study Shows That Concealed Carry Does Not Increase Violent Crime, But We Already Knew That
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Robert B. Young, M.D. with DRGO, via YouTube Via TTAG On October 22, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) presented new concealed carry-related research to the Congress of the American College of Surgeons. The key takeaway from this research is that relaxing concealed carry laws has no effect on violent crime rates. This paper, which was well received and…
Via TTAG Some defensive gun use stories have happy endings. Others have tragic ones. Still others offer learning opportunities for potential defenders. In Prince George’s County, Maryland, this past week, a homeowner shot an invader who broke into his home in the middle of the night. Only, he didn’t realize he’d hit anyone, so he went to sleep. However, the shot…
By Dan Zimmerman via TTAG Pennsylvania State Representative Carolyn Comitta wants to do something about gun owners road rage in her state. Her solution: outlaw loaded firearms in vehicles. “H.B. 2669 would prohibit a person from carrying a loaded firearm in any vehicle, with the exception of firearms related to game hunting, law enforcement, military personnel or security drivers. A person who…
Tip: Say ‘NO’ To Warning Shots
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By John Boch via TTAG In a perfect world, everyone would know not to fire warning shots. Unfortunately, Hollywood has made them almost part of our cultural lexicon. But don’t fall for Hollywood training on self-defense when it comes to warning shots. Or pretty much anything else for that matter. Why not keep the warning…
By Dan Zimmerman via TTAG Thanks to the infinite wisdom and dedication to disarmament of the California legislature and Governor Jerry Brown, Californians under the age of 21 will soon face yet another infringement on their Second Amendment rights. As of January 1, 2019, 18-, 19- and 20-year-olds will be able to own long guns,…