
At This Gun Shop, 30% Of New Firearm Purchases Are Made By Women

DAVENPORT, IOWA — One gun shop that opened its doors last year is reporting that 30% of all new firearm purchases on her books are ascribed to women.  This is supported by a recent study done by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) that found that from 2001 to 2013, there has been an 85% increase in the number of women target shooters.

KWQC 6 followed in on their findings at Davenport Guns in Iowa, where the owner reported her discovery.  When asked about this surge in interest by women, she ascribed it to the need to protect one’s self and how important that is for many women.  One of her customers chimed in as well.

“I think for safety reasons every woman should have a hand gun,” said customer Jo VanBlaricome. “I am a big believer in the second amendment.”

Overall, the owner believes this trend is extremely positive.

“Oh absolutely, not only is it good for themselves and their family but it’s good for the future of our sport,” said Jeanelle Westrom.

It definitely belays a growing sense in the need to protect one’s self, family, and property given these uncertain times. It’s funny because even as violent crime rates appear to be on the downward trend according to FBI statistics, we’re seeing an increasing awareness and vigilance by individuals. Do we need a correlation of crime to drive this train or is it simply an awakening of people to the realities of life?

Nothing is certain and being able to reliably protect one’s self from attackers doesn’t require a huge statistical backdrop. We don’t need to be told that this is an important issue — it’s a core issue to life. It is heartening to see women coming on board, getting concealed carry training, getting their permits, and equipping themselves for success.

All that means is that the next time a bad guy shows up on your doorstep or outside your work, it may not be a good guy with a gun — it may very well be a gal.

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