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Man Breaks Into Ex-Girlfriend’s House With Sledgehammer, Is Promptly Shot By Her New Boyfriend

BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA — On a recent Wednesday morning, an incident unfolded in Baton Rouge when Jake Raybon, armed with a sledgehammer and handgun, forcefully entered his ex-girlfriend’s residence. Upon intrusion around 9 a.m., he brandished a firearm and opened fire on his ex-partner, her toddler, and her new boyfriend. In self-defense, the current boyfriend retrieved his firearm and shot Raybon, wounding him twice.

Following the altercation, authorities transported Raybon to a medical facility where he received care for injuries, which were confirmed not to be critical. Post-treatment, law enforcement detained him, processing him on multiple charges. These included three instances of attempted murder in the first degree, reflecting the threat posed to the woman, her child, and her partner. Additionally, due to his criminal history, Raybon faced charges for illegal firearm possession.

The attack followed a period of separation between Raybon and the woman, with reports indicating they had been apart for four months. The motivations behind this violent break-in remain under investigation.

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