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Armed Citizen’s Bullet Embeds In Suspect’s Gun During Self-Defense Shooting

PHILADELPHA, PENNSYLVANIA – In early August, a shooting that led to the death of a 27-year-old male was determined to be a self-defense case. The shooting took place during a string of shootings turned deadly during the same night in Philadelphia.

Law enforcement determined that the deceased suspect initiated the confrontation by circling the block in his vehicle, following the defender and engaging in some sort of verbal contact. At some point during the incident, the suspect got out of his vehicle, pulled out a weapon, and was attempting to make close contact with the defender.

At that point, the defender opened fire and shot the instigator multiple times in the chest, who succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.

As the investigation continued through the night, law enforcement found a bullet from the defender’s gun lodged inside the instigator’s firearm.

“There is a projectile presumably from the shooter’s gun embedded into the gun of the decedent, and it’s still there, which lends credence to the information that we received from the shooter that he was shooting in self-defense,” said Inspector D.F. Pace.

Law enforcement found the defender to have his concealed carry permit and continued to cooperate with police, however, they did not yet determine the original cause of the incident.

That night, the City of Philadelphia saw four individuals killed and two others injured as a result of shootings. The city is expected to pass 2021’s homicide rate.

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