
New Video Emerges From 2018 Nashville Waffle House Mass Shooting, Shows Bystander Tackle Gunman And Stop Attack

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE — Four people were killed and two others injured during a mass shooting at a Waffle House in Nashville On April 22nd, 2018. The suspect, who was captured just over 30 hours after the shooting, was stopped by a customer at the restaurant who risked his life to stop the massacre.

That suspect was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole on Friday, finally bringing some form of justice for the families of the victims.

James Shaw Jr. is the man who disarmed and stopped Reinking, who spoke with reporters after the sentencing.

“Overall today was for the families who actually lost somebody,” Shaw said. “It was very hard, very emotionally rough, very heavy on everybody’s heart no matter which side you were on.”

Video that was introduced as evidence in the trial has been made public for the first time and can be viewed below. It shows a half naked suspect fire shots into the restaurant before entering, and that’s when Shaw made his move.

Shaw made moves without thinking, and he absolutely saved lives that night. In the worst of times, he found the strength to fight back and survive against a lunatic looking to destroy lives.

The suspect tried the insanity defense, but that move failed and didn’t sit with the jurors.

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