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DA Rules Deadly Shooting Justified Self-Defense With Illegal Firearms

SYRACUSE, NEW YORK — Back on April 28th, Quentin Harrison Jr. was shot and killed after he tried robbing three other men in a parking lot. Two of those three men pulled out their own guns and fired. The third had a gun that was inoperable, according to police.

Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick stated that the men’s actions were in line with self-defense, and that they would not be charged for Harrison’s death. They were, however, charged with possessing illegal firearms.

The third man was not charged because his gun was inoperable, but I’m not quite sure how that works. I don’t know enough about the laws in New York to understand the same charges not being brought against this third man.

In the eyes of the law (at least in this case), whether or not you’re in legal possession of a firearm, you can still use that firearm for justified self-defense. The illegal possession, however, will still stick.

But hey, it’s New York, so you’ll probably be out of jail in no time.

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