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Man Tries Stealing Xbox From Woman, Fires Shots At Her, But She Fires Back And Hits Her Target

BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANNA — A woman successfully defended herself against an armed man who had met up with her to buy an Xbox. He had no intentions of paying for it, and as soon as they met, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at her head.

20-year-old Dane Johnson responded to a Facebook Marketplace listing for an Xbox that the woman had put up. They agreed that he would come to her apartment after work to complete the transaction.

When Johnson arrived at the apartment, he approached the victim and held a black pistol to her head, the affidavit said. The victim dropped the gaming console and fled to her car. Johnson picked up the Xbox and began shooting at the victim.

via theadvocate.com

The woman was able to get a hold of her firearm and fire shots back at Johnson, striking him. She then fled to her vehicle and called 911.

Later on, police were notified that a gunshot victim had arrived at the hospital, which was soon confirmed to be the same man that had the run-in with the woman earlier.

Johnson was charged with attempted murder and armed robbery. Let’s hope he stays behind bars for a very long time.

This woman used her firearm successfully, under immense stress, and ultimately defended herself without injury. This is why we promote responsible concealed carry and gun ownership, and we’re happy to see such a great outcome from a terrible situation.

If you’re going to meet up with someone for a transaction, make sure that you do so in a public place, or even a police station. Many now have designated transaction areas for this purpose, and are monitored around the clock.

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