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“I Forgot It Was There.” Adam Sandler’s Father-In-Law Arrested After Bringing Gun Into FL Courthouse Inside Briefcase

BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA — Adam Sandler’s father-in-law, who is a lawyer, is currently in hot water after trying to walk through a security checkpoint at a courthouse with a loaded revolver inside his briefcase.

On Thursday, Broward County lawyer and former member of the Florida House of Representatives Joseph Titone, was taken into police custody after a courthouse security checkpoint alerted authorities to a Colt .38 Special revolver in Titone’s briefcase, courthouse news and gossip site Justice Advocacy Association of Broward was the first to report.

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75-year-old Titone insists that it was an honest mistake, and a product of failing to go to the gun range nearby.

“It was an accident,” Titone explained. “Evidently I put this gun in my briefcase at one point, intending to take it to the gun range, but that never happened.”

One thing to remember as responsible gun owners: We should always know where each one of our firearms are at any given time. Forgetting it in this manner is the same as negligently having a firearm in your carry-on luggage while flying.

“I forgot it was there,” Titone went on to say.

Titone has been charged with the unlicensed carrying of a concealed firearm. That’s a third-degree felony, which is obviously no laughing matter.

While it does seem to be an honest mistake, we must maintain awareness of where our firearms are, and abide by any federal, state and local laws. We may not like them, but it’s a duty as responsibly armed citizens. If you don’t like the laws, take action to see that they’re changed. But in the meantime, be lawful.

Negligence happens like this all the time, and education is what will help to slow these incidents down. Titone wasn’t a danger to anyone inside that courtroom, but rules are still rules.

And if they’re broken, you’ll need to answer.

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