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Woman Gains Control of Her Attacker’s Gun and Uses It in Self-Defense

GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA – A man who attacked a woman Sunday evening was shot after a third party intervened, giving the woman time to take control of her assailant’s gun and use it to defend herself.

Greenville County deputies were dispatched to a reported shooting at 10:06 p.m., at Eagle Trace Apartments on Lakeside Road. On arrival, they located a man suffering from a gunshot wound. He was transported to a local hospital for treatment and is listed in critical but stable condition.  

Their investigation revealed that the man, Christopher Druvon Kennedy, 37, allegedly struck and choked a woman that he has a domestic relationship with…while she was holding a 9-month-old baby. A male who was also present then intervened, drawing Kennedy’s attention and his rage.The woman used that brief window of opportunity to locate and retrieve a firearm in a piece of Kennedy’s clothing. When he turned his attention back to her and attempted to resume the attack, she shot him in self-defense.

Kennedy is charged with first degree domestic violence, unlawful neglect of a child, third degree assault and battery, and felon in possession of firearm. Greeneville County deputies have confirmed that no charges will be filed against the woman, as this is a clear-cut case of self-defense.

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