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[VIDEO] Carjackers Meet Concealed Carrier, But It’s Still Not Enough To Stop Them

Let’s be clear about one thing: Having a firearm, and using that firearm, isn’t always going to be a 100% show-stopper. Sometimes, the bad guys are still going to be bad, get away, and continue on their crime spree.

Being shot at simply isn’t enough to make some of these criminals stop what they’re doing. Maybe they do it partly for the thrill of staring death in the face, but whatever the case, they aren’t going down easy.

In the video below, a homeowner is inside his vehicle as it’s parked outside his home. A car rolls up, and multiple people get out in order to take control of his car.

They do, but the homeowner pulls out his gun and fires at the suspects, who immediately fire back.

No one was injured, and if you watch the video, you’ll see that the bad guys continue to cause chaos after the successful carjacking. They are caught on surveillance video at a convenience store, robbing the clerk as they have a gun to his head.

Eventually, police caught up with two of these thugs, and now they’re facing a hopefully non-lenient legal system.

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