
BREAKING: Gunman Shot And Killed, 5 Dead And 21 Reported Injured

UPDATE @ 7:01 PM

A press release reveals that 5 people are confirmed dead, and 21 injured as a result of the shooting. Three officers were also shot. The suspect is identified as a white male in his 30’s.

The incident began as a traffic stop, according to police.

UPDATE @ 6:40 PM

Police confirmed that one suspect was shot and killed, and that there is no active shooter at this time.

Reports say the suspect killed was engaged by police near a movie theater. It is also confirmed that 3 police officers were shot. Their conditions are not known.


ODESSA/MIDLAND, TEXAS — A hijacked mail truck is being used to move around a suspect or suspects, who appear to be randomly shooting at people. As of this writing, it would seem that one of the gunmen is in custody, and police have reason to believe that another is still on the loose.

Another vehicle and possible suspect are trying to be located, with police saying they are looking for a gold/white small Toyota truck. The other vehicle is a USPS Postal Van. It is unclear which vehicle the captured suspect was driving.


We believe there are two shooters in two separate vehicles. One suspect is believed to be at the Cinergy in Midland and the other is believed to be driving on Loop 250 in Midland. The two vehicles in question are: gold/white small Toyota truck and a USPS Postal Van. Please stay away from these areas and stay indoors.

via cbs7.com

Check this space for updates.

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