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A Man Taking A Concealed Carry Course Was Shot By The Trainer

One thing that we never like to hear; Negligent Discharge. While it does happen, we rarely see it happening in a professional environment. Not the case in this story, as a negligent discharge occurred during a concealed carry course.

And the person responsible for the negligent discharge was a trainer.

On Aug. 10, the man, identified only as a civilian, was participating in a course at the Ben Clark Training Center’s gun range in Riverside.

According to a department news release issued in response to questions from The Desert Sun, gun range staff inspect students’ firearms during the course and students are instructed to unload their guns.

During the inspection, the range staff member — a civilian instructor the department did not identify  — administered a “trigger pull test” and shot the student in the leg. Range staff initially treated the injured man.

via desertsun.com

The injured man was taken to the hospital for treatment, and the injuries were non-life threatening. That’s lucky for all involved, as this could have easily been a much worse ending.

Not only did the trainer fail to clear the firearm, but he also had it pointing in an unsafe direction.

Let’s go over those 4 Rules of Firearm Safety again;

  1. All guns are always loaded.
  2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
  4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

It’s truly not that hard, and it’s upsetting to see things like this happen.

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