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Father Taken Into Custody After Shooting, Killing Teen Gunman Who Shot His 15-Year-Old Son In The Face During Robbery

DETROIT, MICHIGAN — A father and son were near the 2400 block of Honorah in Detroit for an apparent meeting with a 15-year-old to sell a video game. The 15-year-old that they met produced a firearm to initiate a robbery.

At some point, the 15-year-old shot the son in the face. The father witnessed the shooting, and in turn drew his firearm and shot the 15-year-old dead.

Holly Lance, an officer and spokesperson with the Detroit Police Department, tells the News that the father then shot the suspect after witnessing the ordeal. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene, and WWJ-950 reports Friday that the 15-year-old was last listed in critical condition at a medical facility.

There may be more to the story here, as the father was said to have been taken into custody after the shooting.

Lance tells the newspaper that the 36-year-old father was taken into custody Thursday, and that the case will be reviewed by the prosecutor’s office as it considers charges.

Typically with these news stories, they will make mention of the person (the father in this case) having a valid concealed carry permit. This mention was not made, which leads me to believe that the father could have been carrying the firearm illegally, hence why he was taken into custody.

We hope the son is able to pull through and make a recovery.

Keeping tabs on this one. Check this space for updates.

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