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[VIDEO] Are You Truly Prepared As Best You Can Be For A Gunfight During Breakfast At IHOP?

Bad things can happen in an instant, and being on our top game at all times can be challenging. In the video that we are discussing here, we’ll quickly see that the customers inside the restaurant have a split second to make life-or-death decisions.

What happened was this; a chance encounter between two rival gangs happened during an otherwise quiet and peaceful breakfast at an IHOP restaurant.

The two didn’t take long to confront one another, and within a few seconds a gun was drawn and fired multiple times. Literal chaos ensued as people tried to get themselves some cover while also trying to save their young children.

First, let John from ASP walk us through the details;

In a matter of 2, maybe 3 seconds, some serious decisions needed to be made by every single person inside that restaurant. Luckily no one was struck with any bullets, but this could have been complete devastation.

The raw video can be viewed here.

Police caught up with the person with the gun, and he had this to say during his interview;

Panic ran through the IHOP around lunchtime when police say 19-year-old Deontrae Green, of Amityville, pulled out a gun and shot 20-year-old Tyriek Corbin, of Islandia. The suspected shooter fled but was quickly apprehended by police.

“I pulled out my gun and shot. I always have my gun on me,” Green allegedly said to police. “I just lost it. I just let the shots off. I did it. I’m gonna take it. The gun is mine. I don’t want anybody getting in trouble for me. I just shot at him…I don’t know if I hit anybody. Just glad I didn’t hit the baby.”

via news12.com

At least he owned up to what he had done, and was aware enough to mention that he was glad the children in the restaurant weren’t hurt. He’s got that going for him.

Maybe a 1 in a million chance of leaving the gang life is right for this guy, and maybe he’ll be able to do it.

But for you; what’s your game plan? Put yourself in that restaurant in any position, and think about –really think about– what you feel you would do in that situation. Then, put yourself in another position. What would you do now? Keep playing these scenarios in your mind, and you might come out with some very valuable information that you will hopefully never have to use in the future.

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