Gun Owners In New Zealand Are Literally Handing Over Their Guns To Authorities To Be Destroyed

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In the wake of the horrific terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, politicians have vowed to ban semi-automatic firearms.

Taking things a step further, some resident gun owners are already handing in their firearms to authorities. So that they can be destroyed. Because guns are bad, and not people.

Take this guy for example;

“It’s not a big deal not having it anymore. I couldn’t, in good conscience, say they shouldn’t be around if I still had one,” he said. “Once you accept that these things can be harmful, in the wrong hands, the trade-off is a small inconvenience.”

I’m confused. Is he scared that one day, he will become a mass killer? Is he a gun owner that doesn’t properly secure his firearms? Is he going to sell it to a criminal?

No, likely none of the above. I’m not even sure that his handing-in of the firearm is a statement, though. I truly believe he did so with the thought that it would make New Zealand a safer place.

I’m not trying to completely bash the guy, but I truly hope that his home is never the target of any criminal activity.

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