GLOCK 43X With 10 Round Capacity? It May Be Coming Next Month

Every December, rumors start to pile up with anticipated releases from our favorite gun manufacturers ahead of SHOT Show, which is held every January.

This year is no different and what popped up yesterday is the rumor of a GLOCK 43X, which would hold 10 rounds. In comparison, the GLOCK 43, which was released in 2015, holds 6 rounds of 9mm. It’s a single stack, and having 10 rounds would be a huge draw for many people.

Specs are said to be slightly different, given the extra magazine capacity. That’d equate to a slightly wider frame and slide, and some added length to the grip.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see if the rumor holds true. I for one would welcome this inclusion into the GLOCK lineup.

No photos have been leaked, and the rumors are all coming from ‘people in the know’.

We have already reached out to GLOCK to see what the deal is, and if true, we’ll hopefully have an early one to provide you all with a review.

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