
WINNING: Company Gives Away Guns To All Employees, May Be The Safest Business In America

A small business in Wisconsin, BenShot, was in the giving mood this holiday season and decided to give each and every one of it’s employees a gun. That’s generous!

To remain legal and not cause any hiccups, the company gave each employee a $500 gift card that they could use to purchase a firearm of their choosing.

The company makes glasses with bullets ‘hitting’ them. You can see some examples below.

They are pretty cool products, if I do say so myself. And it would seem that they’ll selling like crazy, even before the news about them giving each employee a gun.

Like what you see? You can order your own here. Tell them Concealed Nation sent you, because we want to talk them into making us a custom one. #selfishplug

So, what did everyone pick? The photo below speaks for itself!

BenShot gave all employees handguns for Christmas. Cheers!

Posted by BenShot on Wednesday, November 14, 2018

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