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Car Burglar Accidentally Engages in Running Gun Battle With Federal Agent

COOPER CITY, FL — A man picked the wrong residence to mess with when his attempted car break-in spree wound up at the house of a federal agent with Customs and border protection, according to CBS Miami.

The man was not committing these crimes alone, but he was alone in opening fire on the agent — it was a bad move.

As CBS Miami reports:

Ring video shows a shadowy figure trying to get into a car in Cooper City then running off. Moments later that person may have tried again, choosing the wrong house. He was confronted by a federal agent with Customs and border protection — and she was armed.

“I just woke up to some sounds,” said neighbor Laura Cook, “I didn’t know what a gunshot sounded like, it was just 3 quick pops and it thought I was dreaming it.”

It was no dream. BSO tells us the federal agent and suspect exchanged gunfire. “After 5am a woman was exiting her home when she encountered a car burglar, she interrupted a car burglary,” explained BSO Spokeswoman Joy Oglesby. “There was a brief foot chase and the suspect turned and shot at her, she returned fire.”

Deputies took someone into custody.

At one point they walked a handcuffed and shackled man through the crime scene. BSO will not say if the person they walked through the scene was the person they arrested. But seconds after he walked by – deputies were on the ground looking for evidence… No one was injured in the exchange of gunfire.

The poor guy was dumb enough to escalate a relatively petty crime to attempted murder just so that he might stop being pursued — and now he’s going to go to jail for years.

For the civilian, it’s worth mentioning that cutting chase in the middle of the night against an unknown number of ne’er-do-wells is probably just the worst decision you can make.

Keep it safe, folks.

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