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Armed Robber Dies After Concealed Carrier Fires and Accomplice Leaves Him for Dead

GAINESVILLE, FL — There was no way that when Arkeem Bennett made the fateful decision to attempt an armed robbery against a concealed carrier and his family that he would die not because of the concealed carrier, but because of his friend, but that’s exactly what happened earlier this month when Arkeem’s escape driver decided that his continued anonymity was more important than his friend’s life.

When the robbery victim opened fire on Bennett, who had pulled a handgun on him, Bennett was wounded but escaped the scene with the help of a getaway driver. His buddy couldn’t bring himself to drop the Bennett off at the hospital.

As WJCB reports:

Officers say the victim was coming home from a movie theater with family members, and while they were parked Arkeem Bennett approached them with a handgun in an attempt to rob them. The victim who holds a concealed carry permit took out his gun and shot at Arkeem in self-defense, one of the bullets struck Arkeem but he was able to get away in his car with another person driving. According to Detective Goeckel The victim informed 911 about the incident, and they later found Bennett dead.

“Once the suspect’s vehicle was located and crashed several blocks from the location of the scene our officer(s) set up a perimeter to contain anyone that may have fled and he actually happened to see Mr. Bennett laying on the ground. And by the time he has reached him, he was already dead.”

Bennett’s family members mourned his death with a candlelight vigil Tuesday night.

His mother says he didn’t deserve to be killed.

“The way I was told he was shot, he didn’t have to get shot like that. He could have just been wounded or instead of his body being found somewhere, they could have taken him to the hospital. Drop him off in front of the hospital, drop him off in front of the police department, in front of a gas station. take him and not just me finding out that my son has been laid out,” Vanessa Sears said.

It’s hard to blame the mother for her sentiment — even if her son threatened the life of several people, it’s still her kid. On top of her kid’s stupidity, the actions of an accomplice who wasn’t willing to come clean resulted in Arkeem’s death.

Instead, he drove, badly, for a few blocks and left his buddy for dead.

Let’s hope he, too, gets the justice he richly deserves.

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