Clerk Will Not Face Charges After Shooting Robbery Suspect

OAK PARK, IL — A store employee who shot one of three men who attempted to rob a local 7-Eleven store will not be charged for his action, the Chicago Tribune reports.

The employee was licensed, and prepared to engage the robbers when the time came.

As the Chicago Tribune reports:

Officers were called to the store at 240 Chicago Ave. around 11:30 p.m. and found a man on the floor bleeding from the abdomen, police said. The wounded man was taken in critical condition to Loyola Medical Center in Maywood, police said.

The clerk told police at least one of the three people who entered the store displayed a weapon and demanded cash, Powers said. The other men fled the store after the shooting.

Workers told the Chicago Tribune and WGN-TV that the three robbers were wearing masks or bandannas over their faces and entered the store with a gun. Oak Park Mayor Anan Abu-Taleb called the incident “unfortunate” and said he was sad to hear that a man had been seriously injured.

“Public safety is priority No. 1,” Abu-Taleb said. “We are doing everything we can to provide the police department and village staff with all the resources to provide safety for the community.”

Abu-Taleb declined to discuss the details of the incident, saying he did not want to compromise the investigation. The attempted robbery took place days after Oak Park officials hosted two community meetings last week to address a recent wave of carjackings in the village. Abu-Taleb said he did not see a “correlation” between Monday’s shooting at the 7-Eleven and the spate of carjackings.

Yeah, sure. And I’m sure there’s no correlation between this attempted robbery and the attempted robbery of the exact same store the previous week, either.

Mr. Mayor, allow me to provide you a correlation.

An unarmed populace is one in which crime is rampant. Take steps to allow the people in your village the freedom that is already rightfully theirs.

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