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Man Opens Fire On Occupants Of California Home — Gets Hit In Return Fire

PALERMO, CALIFORNIA — When a man showed up at a home in Palermo and began shooting at it and its occupants inside, he likely expected what most armed thugs expect: complete and total submission. Instead, he found out the hard way that not all Californians are unarmed.

One of the occupants of the home returned fire, striking the suspect at least once according to Oroville MR. The incident occurred around 12:45 a.m. and by the time Butte County Sheriff’s Office arrived, the deputies found an unresponsive male and got him to the hospital for treatment.

The deputies describe the occupants of the home as victims of this attack and are proceeding forward with the investigation under those pretenses. For a California resident, this is about as close as it gets to not facing charges from a defensive gun use.

The condition of the suspect is unknown at this time.

Thank goodness at least one occupant was able to retrieve his gun and use it to defend his household. Aggressive acts perpetrated upon a home require decisive, immediate response. When bullets start striking the structure, there’s no time to wait it out and hope for the best. Good, judicious shot placement likely saved the occupants of this home and thank goodness at least one household in California is still able to defend themselves from flagrant, wanton violence.

Violent people can make their move at any hour of the day, any day of the week. That’s why it’s our responsibility as law-abiding gun owners to protect ourselves and our household.

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