
#DIGTHERIG – Austen and his Collection

From left to right some of my collection of freedom dispenser rigs include:

A Glock 23 RTF2, a Glock 27 Gen 3 with Trijjicon HD Night Sights, and plus one round pinky extender on its magazines. Each Glock is customized with 3.5 pound triggers, titanium Firing Pin Safeties, two piece titanium guide rods and +1 pound recoil springs, and both stay loaded to the hilt with Winchester PDX1 Defender .40S&W 165 Grain Bonded Jacket Hollow Point defense rounds. I wear them in their Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0 IWB Holsters because Alien Gear holsters are comfortable, and made right here in the greatest country on Earth.

A stock Glock 42 loaded with Hornady Critical Defense.380 Auto 90 Grain FTX® Jacket Hollow Points carried in an Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.0 IWB Holster, and a Ruger LCR .38 loaded with Federal Premium Low Recoil 110 Grain Hydra-Shok® Jacket Hollow Points worn in you guessed it an Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0 IWB Holster because when something works as great, and is as comfortable to wear as the Alien Gear’s holsters you stick with them.

I stripped all three of the Glocks to the Armorer’s level, removed all of the factory and aftermarket petroleum based lubricants by using a self heating ultrasonic cleaner from Harbor Freight Tool Company by spraying each and every part with Frog Lube’s Super Degreaser, and scrubbing them before placing them in the hot ultra sonic cleaner. I watched as all the petroleum based lubricants just fizzled off. I then repeated the process a couple of times using Frog Lube’s Solvent until there was no trace of anything but clean metal. I appropriately lubricated each piece with Frog Lube CLP Liquid and/or Paste. As their slogans say: No Jams, No Rust, Clean to the Bone, and also made right here in America. I stripped the G42 of petroleum based solvents brand new out of the box. Disassembling it was tough but a simple phone call to Glock gave me the trick to removing one of the pins.

I carry everything I need for a fun day at the range in a 5.11 range bag. It has more than enough room for my holstered collection and all my spare magazines, it even has enough room to carry some ammo to keep everything tightly in place.

I also have a Ruger LCR in the safe that do not wear because it is nothing more than a sentimental Paper weight that I do not trust to use for anything other than as a range gun. If needed for self defense I would probably throw my LCP at an attacker rather than risk the chance of it going click rather than bang. I have S&W M&P 15 Sport that I wish I could have included in the photos but it is mostly stock besides the Frog Lube treatment listed as above, without using hot ultrasonic baths. I made up for the lack of heat by scrubbing extra well.

As you can tell I like Glocks. I am planning my next model purchase now. The only thing that I do not like about Glock is that it is not an American company.

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