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Video Released In Feb Attack Where Woman Shot Suspect In Neck With Concealed Firearm

LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY — On the night of January 26th 2016, a woman entered a parking garage elevator when a man also entered behind her. That man had been following the woman for a little while, as captured on various cameras, and was apparently looking for an easy victim.

He didn’t find one. This woman was armed.

Once in the elevator, the woman became nervous because of how the man was acting. She was so spooked that once the doors of the elevator opened on the same floor he said he was getting off, she began to run to her vehicle which was parked just 10 spaces away from the elevator.

The man gave chase and pulled out a knife, threatening the woman and trying to rob her.

The woman, who WHAS11 News confirmed works in the legal field, was able to get to her car, but when she was trying to get in, the man banged her head on something unknown and pushed his knee into her chest, the record said. A crime scene photo shows cracks in the woman’s windshield, but it is unclear if that is where she was injured. The narrative said the attack forced the woman across the center console inside her car.

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Fearing for her life, the woman was able to grab her concealed firearm from inside her purse. She pointed it at the man and pulled the trigger, but the firearm did not go off. She told police she continued to pull the trigger multiple times until it finally discharged a round, sending the bullet into the man’s neck.

It was enough to send him fleeing from his not-so-helpless victim.

At the end of the video, the man can be seen walking with a wound to his neck, coming in contact with another person and saying that he had been shot.

A Jefferson County grand jury has indicted the man, identified as John Ganobick, on charges of attempted murder, robbery and kidnapping.

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