20 Awesome Gunporn Pics, Plus A Look At The Man Behind The Photos: Zorin Denu

The world of firearms and firearm ownership is a beautiful thing, and our friend Zorin Denu has learned just how to capture that beauty.

If you aren’t familiar with the work of Zorin Denu, you’re about to be introduced to the man himself, and of course his work.

I had the opportunity to catch up with Steve, the man behind the ZD name. I wanted to know how he got into the excellent photography that he now shares with the masses, and what sparked his interest in firearm photography.

Steve started from the beginning, giving me the building blocks of what would become Zorin Denu.

He starts, “This whole thing started with my drive to create a cool background picture on my own PC. I started out with a Canon Powershot and a flashlight for creative lighting. I found good pictures are not that easy to create. But the spark was lit.”

When asked about the focus on firearms, Steve shared his roots. “My brother and I grew up having many adventures. My parents were and are outdoor lovers. We grew up hunting, hiking, camping and of course shooting”, says Steve.

But what about the name? Where did it come from?

Steve explained in an unlikely story, “My brother and I created names for ourselves to match our unique persona’s and that made the stories of our adventures all the more exciting with unique names to go with them. At least we thought so haha. So just always remember ‘There is another Denu out there’”.

Knowing now that the subject of firearm photography was chosen in part to his upbringing, Steve went into more details about how he ended up traveling down this exciting path.

“There was something about Firearm photography that inspired me. I read books and experimented and the more I did, the more I loved it. I have had a passion for all things firearms for most of my life, and suddenly there was a new passion. I continue to experiment with new capture techniques as well as editing tricks. I learn something new almost daily, and would not want it any other way.”

Steve continued, “I started my photography carer as a hobby. Something I did on the side just for the love of it. I spent many years posting away on flick. Meeting and talking to other like minded shutter bugs. Then one day someone asked to use one of my pictures, and the rest as they say is history. Even if I did not get paid to do it, I would still be taking gun pictures for the pure love of it. The money and product is always a great bonus of course.”

Below, we’re thrilled to share 20 of a few of our favorites from Zorin Denu. If you’d like to see many more excellent firearm photos from the man himself, visit his Facebook page and Flickr page for a continuous stream of awesomeness.

We’re big fans, and it’s time for you to be as well.

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