
6-Year-Old Gets A Hold Of Off-Duty Police Officer’s Handgun On Playground

WEBB CITY, MISSOURI — An off-duty police officer was at a playground with his family, when his child had become distressed while on top of the slide. The officer climbed the slide to retrieve his child and at some point, his holstered firearm had fallen out and onto the ground.

Where this story gets really bad is when a 6-year-old child found the firearm and pulled the trigger, sending a bullet into a nearby slide.

No one was injured.

There is no mention of the type of holster that the officer was using to house his off-duty firearm, but it sounds like it didn’t offer much in the way of retention. I am not sure as to the orientation of the officer or his holster, but it seems that it should have been secured better than it was.

For example, climbing a slide should not interfere with a properly holstered firearm.

Responsibility: It’s for everyone.

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