Here’s a story you wish you never had to read about, but thankful for the positive outcome in more ways than one. In Lapeer County, MI an 11-year-old girl’s quick thinking and decisive action eventually led to the arrest of two criminals involved in at least 50 home robberies. What could have been a very horrible and scarring event for the young girl ended much more favorable for her due to one simple fact: Her confidence in handling a firearm.
As stated in the news report, the young girl noticed an unfamiliar vehicle pull into her driveway and soon after heard knocks at all of the homes doors. The individual then forced their way into the home; resulting in the girl to run and hide in the bedroom closet where her father’s shotgun was. This is where the positive outcome of the story takes place. Due to the important fact that her father was an avid hunter, she was all too familiar with the firearm; which became obvious to the intruder when she pointed the shotgun once they gained entry to the closet she was hiding in and scared the criminal off.
I can’t stress enough how important a fact it is that she was familiar with the firearm. Most anti-gun promoters would cringe at the fact that an 11-year-old be praised for the safe handling of a firearm, much less using it to scare off an intruder. However, because of her familiarity with the firearm, and confidence in handling it, the situation turned out far more positively than it could have. I don’t even like considering the possibilities and scenarios that could have played out had she not been so quick-thinking and confident in her abilities to show the intruder she wouldn’t become a victim.
What we should take from this young woman’s shining example is this: anyone at any time could be subjected to a home invasion or other criminal action. You may notice that I have neglected to refer to her as a child; because in my opinion she is far from a child due to the maturity she showed in the face of danger. She acted decisively and calmly in a dire and frightening situation. Her actions alone led to the arrest of the intruder and accomplice. Many more homes could have been subjected to invasion or worse without her help in recalling the details of the encounter after it occurred.
Furthermore, the most valid point that should be made aside from the young girl’s bravery is the fact that proper introduction and training with the firearm resulted in her being able to use it responsibly. I can only hypothesize that her father instructed her properly on the uses and functions of the firearms kept in the home. She was obviously self-confident enough in her knowledge to utilize the firearm when it mattered most. I should hope this would be a learning experience for anyone on the fence about introducing their children to firearms. Under the right supervision and instruction, with the correct mindset any child can be taught to respect and understand the functions and uses of firearms. Of course it’s a case by case basis; but any responsible parent should know when the time is right to instruct their children on firearm safety and handling. Once that time comes, thorough and detailed instruction should always accompany a plan in case the situation ever arises to use said firearms in self-defense.
In my opinion, when that time comes every child should be as familiar with home firearms as this young lady was. Know their location, the state in which they are stored. Be aware of how to load and operate them; and if necessary how to fire them. It could mean the difference between a positive outcome and tragedy.