
Armed Dominos Manager Sends Three Armed Thugs Running

BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS — It’s funny how these ‘tough guys’ aren’t so tough when the playing field is leveled when one of their intended victims is armed.

Sarah Cherry, the manager at a Dominos in Blytheville, Arkansas, walked up to the front of the store to see what the commotion was. As she approached, one of the three suspects fired at her. Unbeknownst to the thugs, Cherry was armed and not afraid to fight back.

She fired at the suspects, sending them out the door. No one in the store was injured, and it is not known if any suspects were hit.

“Although it is not the Police Department’s recommendation to fight with armed suspects, we do strongly believe in personal protection of businesses and people whom are not convicted felons,” said Criminal Investigation Division Capt. Scott Adams. “The store manager showed great courage in protecting herself and her employees.”

Once shots were fired by the suspects, intent to harm and kill was evident. Cherry did what she had to do and as a result, they all got to go home after their shift.

This is the second time in a few months that the same location has been subject to a robbery. Hopefully after this latest encounter, thugs in the area will decide that it’s not a safe place to rob.

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