Disabled Vietnam Vet Scares Off Robbers With 45, Leaves Note On His Door In Case They Come Back

A 68-year-old disabled Vietnam Veteran, Joseph Sapienza, heard what sounded like someone trying to break into his front door. He began to move toward the door with his walker, which happens to be equipped with a holster and a .45 caliber handgun, and saw two men wearing ski masks.

He announced to the men that he was armed and once they saw that he wasn’t bluffing, both men took off without thinking twice.

“People see me as an easy mark,” he said. “They probably thought ‘we’re going to get this man’s money.’”

Sapienza isn’t the type of man to mess around. He penned a note and affixed it to his front door in case the men tried to come back. It reads:

To whom it may concern,

I see you tried to break in, took my lock off my door. That’s okay, you try to break in my house again I will be waiting on you.

Enter at your own risk.


Don’t mess with this guy. You’re bound to have a bad day.

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