1. When you first start carrying concealed, it feels like the entire world knows

Source: http://www.securityconcerns.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/paranoid2.jpg
2. You give the most awkward hugs ever
Source: http://semi-rad.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/awkward-bro-hug-2.jpg
3. This makes you scream
This is a screenshot from a Hickok45 video. It was instructional, we assure you that he knows exactly what he’s doing 🙂
4. Every time you sit or stand up…
5. You avoid running certain errands
6. Your summer attire is sometimes…excessive.
(ok, this is a little exaggerated, but you know what we’re talking about)
7. You smile your biggest smile when you stumble upon this before going into a business
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