Man Slaps Two Children Riding Bikes In The Street, Their Father Runs Over, Man Pulls Gun And Fires
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Want to see a bad situation? This is a bad situation. Two children were riding their motorized bikes on the road, and apparently a neighbor wasn’t happy with the noise. He goes up to each child individually, has some words with them, and hits each one in the face. If that’s not enough of a…
Extremely Negative Outcome From Armed Robbery; Good Guys Shoot Innocent Bystanders And 3 Don’t Make It
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Knowing who is the threat, and who isn’t, is something that isn’t always entirely clear during the heat of the moment. I can see how some of the confusion came up during this incident, but it’s still tough to excuse firing on people who you simply think were a part of the armed robbery. Two…
[VIDEO] Clerk Absolutely Takes Control Over Robbery, Eventually Grabbing Robber’s Gun After He Leaves It On The Counter
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If the bad guys were smart, they’d have normal jobs like the rest of us. That’s not the case, however, and we have seen our share of dumb criminals when covering these self-defense stories. But for us, the intended victims, the dumber the criminal the better. This guy takes at least part of the cake,…
[VIDEO] Recognizing Pre-Attack Indicators
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A fan shared this video with us that goes over various pre-attack indicators with video evidence, and it’s a well-thought-out presentation with a lot to take from. I’m sure that many of you can pick up on some, but are you fluent in all that are shown here? Even if you believe you are, it’s…
This is one that we covered not too long ago, and is a really great example of quick-acting movements by an armed citizen while at work. John over at ASP recently posted his walk-through of the incident, and touches on all the important parts of this self-defense shooting. The surveillance video with this shooting is…
[VIDEO] Woman Releases Mag On Attacker’s Gun, Then Husband Comes Out Of House And Lights Him Up
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Teamwork played a part in this incident, and maybe a little luck was thrown in with it. A woman and others were just arriving home when an armed man came up to the driver’s door and tried to carjack them. The woman driver goes for the man’s gun, which isn’t always the best move. However,…