Other Reviews
[APP REVIEW] The Legal Heat Smartphone App
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Keeping up with the ever-constant changes of firearms laws and regulations can be a tiring process. Federal Law and State Law alike are constantly in a state of ebb and flow when it comes to firearms and concealed carry. With the never-ending cry for gun control every time a criminal uses a firearm for malicious…
[PRODUCT REVIEW] Wolf Premium Oils
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This is a guest post from Dieter Heren, owner of Saltwater & Gunpowder. He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. I’m sure that almost all of you have a gun cleaner/lubricant like Hoppes or Rem Oil that you like and use, and likely don’t ever use any other products. If it ain’t broke,…
[PRODUCT REVIEW] Advantage Tactical Sights
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These are neat. A different concept from your typical 3-dot sights, Advantage Tactical Sights offer a bit of geometry by having the user make a pyramid with their rear and front sights. During the review, I quickly found out that it didn’t take any getting used to. Advantage Tactical Sights are dubbed “The Problem Solving…
[PRODUCT REVIEW] LaserMax Guide Rod Laser
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Our first laser review, and we’re thrilled to have tried this one out. If you aren’t familiar with LaserMax, they are a company that designs lasers for different firearms and are located in Rochester, NY. Their popular Guide Rod Laser, the same one we’ll be reviewing today, is light-years ahead of other products we have…
[PRODUCT REVIEW] AimLine sights
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Our first review on sights, we couldn’t be more excited and enthusiastic to bring you our thoughts on AimLine Sights. Made in the USA and bringing to light a great concept, AimLine aims to please (yup, there’s a pun). AimLine website: aimline.com AimLine Facebook: facebook.com/aimlinesights Before we begin, let’s go over our personal policy with…
Be sure to visit Lone Wolf on Facebook and tell them that Concealed Nation sent you! Ahh, choices. We pitch a lot of Glock products and accessories because we love the interchangeability with the brand, as well as their reliability. One of these benefits is the conversion barrel from Lone Wolf that turns your Glock…