Firearm Reviews
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FN firearms are highly regarded with many gun experts and enthusiasts throughout America. Their M4A1 carbines are used with our military on the battlefield and their handgun line has many loyal followers siting FN handguns as the best in their class. They are known to be reliable, functional and accurate. However, when FNH decided make…
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For years, I have been proud to call Kahr handguns my concealed carry handgun choice. I just love the way Kahr handguns feel, shoot and they offer the slimmest and lightest models on the semi auto pistol market. I own several handguns from various makers however I am yet to find another model that I…
At the NRA convention this year, Smith & Wesson introduced a new pistol to their line of M&P firearms. They showcased a slightly larger M&P Shield in .45 acp. Immediately, the CCW world was buzzing about the new 45 Shield due to it’s larger caliber offering which excites “big bore” guys along with the popularity of…
[FIREARM REVIEW] Grand Power XCalibur
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Imagine going to the largest gun show in the world and handling, fondling and drooling over many of the most excellent guns in the world. You would leave that show thinking there were several guns that you just needed to check out at the range. That is how I felt with the Grand Power XCalibur…
When we look at many derringers on the market today, we often see cheaply made and inexpensive guns. Unfortunately, these low quality and often small caliber derringers are not worth defending your life. I have seen on several occasions derringers fail due to the lack of craftsmanship and function. Introducing the Bond Arms Backup. This…
HEAD-TO-HEAD: Springfield XDs -vs- GLOCK 43
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Our friend Andrew from GY6vids gives a detailed head-to-head review between the Glock 43 and Springfield XDs. Which is your favorite? In this video we do a heads up review of the the Glock 43 vs the Springfield XDs(Both in 9mm). We want to give you as much information as possible so you can make…
[FIREARM REVIEW] Desert Eagle L5
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I have always been a huge fan of the Magnum Research Desert Eagle. There is nothing quite like a holding onto a 4.5 pound hunk of beautiful shiny metal that can deliver the means of .50 Action Express, .44 Magnum or .357 Magnum. We have seen Desert Eagles in various movies as Hollywood clearly understands…
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One thing I have always appreciated from The Kahr Firearms Group was their ability to offer their customers products that were in high demand. The three companies in the Kahr Firearms Group are Kahr Arms, Magnum Research and Auto Ordnance. I am fortunate enough to have a vast amount of experience with firearms from each…