Firearm Safety
Instructor Shot By Student – Why Situational Awareness Matters! 3 Tips For Situational Awareness
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WESTFORD, VERMONT — In a developing news story covered initially by Burlington Free Press, a woman is denying her involvement in the shooting of a firearms instructor outside his business in Westford, Vermont. Authorities were initially made aware of the scene when, on Monday, they arrived to find the instructor in his vehicle with a…
Tips For Carrying Concealed On A Motorcycle
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When that beautiful weather hits, it’s time to go for a ride. A lot of motorcyclists are getting onto the roads this summer to soak up good weather and get a breeze going. Whether it’s time to set off on a long distance ride through the countryside or just a weekend getaway, there’s a few…
A WHOLE NEW MEANING TO CONCEALED FIREARM: Woman Fails To Hide Gun After Shooting At Repo Man
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GARY, INDIANA — In what is being touted by Concealed Nation as a runner-up to the Darwin Award, the stupidest gun owner award goes to a Gary, Indiana woman who attempted to conceal her loaded handgun from police. This was after she and an unidentified male followed the repo man who had repossessed her car. …
Out With The Old, Maybe In With The New? Here Are The Ways To Legally Dispose Of A Firearm
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Modern pistols and revolvers are pretty resilient. You can push upwards of tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition through them before mechanical parts start to degrade. With proper maintenance, it’s possible for a revolver or pistol to last a lifetime. But what if you’re sick of that pistol? After the barrel is worn down,…
In Iowa, The Legally Blind Are Granted Concealed Carry Permits. Who’s To Say It’s Good Or Bad?
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DES MOINES, IOWA — In Iowa law, there is no stipulation for the denial of a concealed carry permit based upon physical limitation. This includes those whom are visually impaired. Thus, in the state of Iowa, it’s entirely possible for someone who is legally blind to maintain a concealed carry permit for a pistol. This…
There are a lot of states that require some form of mandatory training prior to issuing a concealed carry permit. In almost all cases, that training includes as much (if not more) classroom time than it does range time. And then there are states like Vermont and others which are constitutional carry – permitless concealed…
When you started your job, you were likely excited to begin a new part of your career. When you walked through those front doors on the first day and “read” the entirety of the Employee Handbook prior, you were probably thinking more of when the first paycheck would arrive than whether or not carrying concealed…