Firearm Safety
“He Should Have Killed Him” Is A Type Of Comment We See After Posting Some Self-Defense Stories; Here’s Why We Hate That
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Here at Concealed Nation, we cover a lot of self-defense news stories. Sometimes they involve concealed carriers and other times they just involve aware citizens willing to defend themselves, their families, and their property. Not every criminal involved in a self-defense shooting dies. A good number of them don’t. More importantly, not every person involved…
Be of sound mind. More important than having the perfect holster or training on the Sig Sauer Academy range — the concealed carrier needs to have his wits about him at all times. What is a sound mind? Control of your emotions Calm reasoning Observant of your surroundings Steady nerves No desire to harm yourself…
This article has been updated 9/16/2015 to reflect Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s official opinion on the matter. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA — Undoubtedly when two 20-year-old girls began their purse-snatching campaign in Eastland Mall, they thought it would be a fast and easy operation. Knock-off some elderly citizens, grab their purses, and get out before anyone knew what…
[VIDEO] How NOT To Carry Concealed
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Ahh, the internet. Where you can find just about anything and everything. This video supposedly comes from: While partying at my friend Mike Busey’s house, The Sausage Castle this weekend my friend TheOfficialBigLA demonstrated to me how he likes to concealed carry his handgun. But man, I hope he’s a quick draw if SHTF. All…
10 Things To Avoid While Carrying Concealed
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That’s a picture taken of Steve McQueen back a ways and featured in Time Magazine. See Steve? Steve has a loaded handgun.* In the background, you’ll notice an open can of Coors. While there ain’t nothing wrong with an oat soda, a Magnum revolver, or kicking it on the couch – these three things shouldn’t…
By Sara Tipton via My post on teaching my daughter to shoot her BB gun provoked a number of questions and I wanted to answer a few of them. But first, yes, her shoes were on the wrong feet. While she knows the difference between left and right, she still doesn’t always get her…
In the video above, you’ll see a Russian man and his supermodel girlfriend outside their car. First off, dashcams in Russia must come standard with the vehicle because it seems like every insane driving video comes from Russia… Road rage incidents occur just as frequently in the United States — but we just don’t seem to…
By Robert Farago via “A North Bend man accused of fatally shooting a childhood friend while showing off a pistol he knew had been recalled has been charged with manslaughter,” reports. As Fergie would say, h-h-h-h-hold it. Let’s skip straight to relevant information about the pistol Robert C. Navarro used to kill his friend…