Beginners Guides
10 Common Concealed Carry Mistakes To Avoid
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This is a guest post from Dieter Heren, owner of, a site devoted to hunting, fishing, and shooting. He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes from time to time, it’s how we learn. However, making mistakes when concealing a firearm can have serious…
The picture above is one that I just took. Yes, I’m carrying appendix, but that’s a whole other topic. I’ve never been a fan of having my gun sit somewhere close by while I’m working in the office. I’d rather have it on me. There really isn’t anything more convenient. This ‘quarantine’ is starting to…
When it comes to firearms, understanding the different ammo types is crucial for both safety and effectiveness. For beginners, terms like JHP, FMJ, and +P can be confusing. This guide will help you understand these types of ammo and their uses. Different Ammo Types Explained There are a lot of different types of bullets out…
While this article is mostly for new concealed carriers, it plays a part for nearly everyone who carries a firearm. We’ve all been guilty of at least some of these movements and behaviors that can give away the fact that we’re carrying a firearm, but even if we’ve negated them all, it’s still worth talking…