Beginners Guides
By Robert Farago. Republished with permission from Disclaimer: this post is aimed at people who have not yet committed to daily concealed carry. If you already carry a gun on a daily basis, please share this article with your newbie and daily carry-reluctantamigos. The more people who carry concealed, the safer we all will be,…
One of the most exciting shifts I am seeing is that many more women are carrying concealed and the way they carry their firearms is changing! With the commitment to education and training that I have seen women undertake this past year, they are carrying their firearms primarily on the body and on or in their…
One of the choices the beginning concealed carrier has to make is the type of firearm to carry. The majority choose the semi-automatic or auto-loading pistol, but there is a strong minority who favor the revolver. This decision, combined with the choice of round to be used, determines the type of training required to become a…
[VIDEO] How NOT To Shoot A Revolver
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Hickok45 shows us how NOT to hold a revolver when you shoot it. I’ve seen it myself with a .22 revolver, and the shooter got a pretty bad burn on his hand. He’s lucky he wasn’t shooting a larger caliber. Proper grip is key not only for accuracy, but for safety as well.
Which Round For Self-Defense?
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Self-defense rounds compared. From L to R; .380 ACP, 9 mm Luger, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .40 S&W, .45 ACP, .44 Special, .44 Magnum, .45 Colt When we consider the choice of caliber for our concealed carry gun, we often stick to the well-known choices: .380, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, 9 mm, .40 S&W…
The author’s personal Ruger SP101 in a Mitch Rosen 5JR holster. Note the aftermarket grips which soak up the stiff recoil of the .357 Magnum. Extra ammo is carried in a speed strip on the belt carrier. When most new or soon-to-be concealed carriers think of a choice in handguns, the auto-loader comes to mind.…