Beginners Guides
As concealed carry continues to gain popularity, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction when it comes to this important aspect of personal protection. In this article, we will debunk common myths about concealed carry, providing you with accurate information to make informed decisions. Let’s dive in and dispel the misconceptions surrounding concealed carry. Myth…
For firearm enthusiasts and concealed carry permit holders, the reliability of their equipment is paramount. A common question that arises among gun owners is the potential wear on magazine springs when left loaded for an extended period. Do magazine springs wear out? This concern touches on the integrity of a critical component that can affect…
Illinois, often recognized in firearm industry circles for its frequent anti-gun legislation and the high crime rates in Chicago, raises an important question for many gun owners and self-defense advocates: Does an Illinois Stand Your Ground law exist? The short answer is no, an Illinois Stand Your Ground law isn’t on the books, but the…
As a concealed carrier, it’s crucial to prioritize safety above all else. One of the worst scenarios you could face is a negligent discharge – when a firearm unintentionally goes off. These incidents not only put you and others in harm’s way but can also damage your reputation and legal standing. To avoid such mishaps,…
Can You Shoot A Snake In Self-Defense?
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Depending on where you live, you could hear stories around the proverbial water cooler about dangerous interactions with local fauna. That could include getting chased by an alligator (happened to me), nearly hitting a black bear with your car (happened to me), or even accidentally stepping on a cottonmouth while wearing flip-flops (yeah, that one…
What Is A Duty To Inform?
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In the world of concealed carry, a duty to inform is the legal obligation to inform an officer, deputy, etc. that an individual is carrying a concealed firearm when that individual comes into contact with a member of law enforcement. It can initially feel weird to have an interaction with law enforcement while carrying a…
In concealed carry, there’s something of a debate concerning the best holster option: Is it leather? Is it Kydex? Is it some sort of hybrid? Or could it even be one of those gimmick atrocities that emerge from the mist about once a year? While leather once had market supremacy (for lack of any other…
For Beginners: You NEVER “Shoot to Kill”
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There is a lot of terminology involved in the responsible carry of a firearm, and a firm mandate to understand the purpose of concealed carry. Concealed carry is a method of carrying a firearm that is done for self protection. It is not because concealed carriers are out in the world hoping to hurt or…
What Is Constitutional Carry?
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Half of the United States are constitutional carry states, if you count by state rather than by population. But what is constitutional carry? Is it actually a good thing? We’re going to take a look at these questions below. What Is Constitutional Carry? Constitutional carry, as an idea, is the recognition of the fact the…