Beginners Guides
Because we’re a resource for beginners entering into the practice of carrying a concealed handgun everyday, we get a lot of first time opinions and anecdotes relating to that first time. The first time is unique to the individual. Not everyone comes from the same background when it comes to firearms. People get into carrying…
Handgun? Check. Holster? Check. Permit? Check. Alright, you’re ready to step outside into the great big world with your concealed carry handgun legally attached to you. There’s just one problem: you’re setting yourself up for failure. That’s right. Even though you are doing everything right — using a high retention holster, carrying a handgun, and…
Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part II: Appropriate Force’ Here Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part III: Maintain Innocence’ Here I am not an attorney, nor do I propose to offer legal advice of any kind. I am, however, a gun writer and trainer that has become propelled to pen this article because I see an incredible…
How To Never Have A Negligent Discharge
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Carry Right And You’ll Be Negligent Discharge-Proof Something that gives all concealed carriers and firearms enthusiasts a bad name is a negligent discharge. Few things give the gun-grabbers as much ammunition – pardon the pun – as reports of people injuring themselves or others with a negligent shooting. People can’t carry guns safely, they’ll say, which is…
How Gun Owners Should Act On Social Media
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If this past election has shown us anything, it’s how people’s perception of the world can be incredibly skewed because of social media. Social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and others often have a way of distorting the way we portray ourselves to others. Plenty of simple disagreements or arguments have devolved into absolute crap…