Beginners Guides
Loving the firearm that you carry is great. Knowing the firearm that you carry is essential. There should be a bond between firearm and concealed carrier, and it should remain strong at all times. Sound funny? It’s not meant to. Knowing how you interact with your firearm, and how it interacts with you, is an…
How To Mail A Firearm
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A lot of people have recently brought up that they mail their firearms instead of check them as baggage. If you don’t have an FFL, then you may be violating Federal law. The big exception is when mailing rifles or shotguns. Here’s a couple ways to stay on the right side of the law and…
Not all semi-automatic handguns are built the same. There are different eras of pistols, different configurations, firing mechanisms, etc. In this article, I’m going to attempt to break down the basic parts of most conventional semi-automatic handguns for a quick, easy reference for those needing a very basic resource. In general, I recommend getting into…
There’s no general rules when it comes to the number of rounds you need to fire to determine if your handgun is worth its salt. The more complex a machine, the greater the risk of failure. The simplest handgun is probably a single action revolver. Pending some great abnormality, a single action revolver can last…
What To Do If Your Handgun Breaks
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When a person says his gun broke, it could mean anything. There’s a lot of things that can go wrong on a handgun but most of them are fixable. Outside of some catastrophic failure where the pistol breaks in two or blows up (extremely rare), there’s almost always a way to fix a gun. The…
Women: Finding The Right Gun
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“What gun should I get?” I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve heard that question. There is no right answer. Sure enough, whichever one you get, you’re probably going to want a different one after that. Gun shopping is difficult. There are so many choices – make, model, caliber, design, but we’re…
You probably hear us talk about situational awareness a whole lot. But, there’s a distinct difference between me yammering on and on and actually practicing it in real life. Situational awareness means being aware of both yourself and your environment. Without knowledge of one, you can’t act on the other. This applies to both the…