Beginners Guides
I get a lot of questions from people when they decide to carry a gun. What is the best handgun to carry? What is your favorite holster? What is the smallest pistol I can carry? Is ankle carry the best way to conceal? Deciding to carry a handgun is a major decision. It requires a…
There’s a saying I heard years ago that has always stuck with me. “The worst three firearms instructors are boyfriends, husbands, and fathers.” I began thinking about it and realizing how true it is. Typically, its due to a lack of information because they aren’t as well versed as they think regarding shooting. While…
Making sure that a holster is clear when holstering your firearm is important, but is it enough to just assume that it’s clear? The truth is, you can’t say for certain that nothing is in the way unless you physically take a look. Fight me all you want, but these are the facts of life.…
Many of us don’t keep magazines loaded for very long, since we’re going to the range and shooting on a regular basis. Sometimes, though, we’ll store fully loaded magazines in a safe or other areas in the house. The question on many people’s mind; Will the spring of the magazine weaken over time if I…
It’s been over 6 years that we’ve been doing this and when the topic of carrying with a round in the chamber comes up, we always say the same thing; do it. I’ve been surprised at how many people decide not to carry with a round in the chamber, and the reasons are numerous. Many…
I’ve always thought about different scenarios. Playing them through my head to see what decisions I’d make in those moments. Sometimes, compliance is the way to go, but of course this always isn’t the case. It’s also up to each person. Are you going to comply with the bad guy’s demands, or are you going…
Why You Should Keep Your Carry Gun Stock
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By John Boch via TTAG and republished here with permission If you want to “upgrade” your recreational plinking or competition shooting guns, have at it. Hot-selling handguns, shotguns and rifles all have a wide range of unique aftermarket parts and accessories available. However for your carry guns, the old saw about keeping it simple, stupid…
I’ve been following the page A Good Guy With A Gun since close to the beginning, and noticed a poll that they did over the last few days. The question: To Carry Chambered, Or Not? Out of 1,300 votes, here’s how things ended: Since the beginning of Concealed Nation, we’ve always encouraged people to carry…
Flying with a handgun in your checked luggage doesn’t have to be a nightmare, and it usually isn’t. There are, however, a few things that should be taken into consideration when you’re doing this. After flying with handguns for a few years now, here are a few things that I’ve learned to help make things…