Xavier Roberts
Darwin Award Alert! Man Shot While Trying To Rob Same House He Was Previously Sent To Jail For Two Years Ago
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HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA — A lot of times it makes sense when criminals do dumb things. If these people were intelligent, they probably wouldn’t be criminals in the first place. Every once in a while though, one of these folks does something really stupid that leaves you scratching your head. Two years ago, Lucas Hemp broke…
ATLANTA, GEORGIA — Sometimes it seems that these kinds of stories happen a lot, but unfortunately, they are rarely covered by the larger news organizations. We can never really have enough of these stories which prove guns in the hands of law abiding citizens save lives; and that people will defend themselves when given a…
SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA — No matter what you do for a living, it’s always good to give it your full commitment. Then there are those people like this hotel clerk who goes way above and beyond their job description. As he walked through the hotel parking lot on a routine check, he spotted someone attempting to…
BILLINGS, MONTANA — This latest attack marks the fourth hunter who was attacked by a grizzly bear in the same area over the last couple weeks. All of the previous hunters sustained injuries that required hospital visits, but they all walked away alive. In the latest instance, the attacked hunter fought back and shot the…
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — It is a sad indictment of our society when armed security is necessary at a fast food restaurant. Nonetheless, their presence is not without warrant, and in this case their presence stopped a robbery and may have saved lives. About 9:50 p.m., a 26-year-old man walked into a fast-food restaurant in the…
PISGAH, ALABAMA — A couple of local thugs thought they could get away with an easy robbery of someone’s shed. Inside the shed was some quantity of gasoline which looked like an easy score for the duo. However, they weren’t anticipating an armed homeowner ready and prepared to defend what’s his. Jackson County Chief Deputy…
Crazy Scene Behind Local Bar As Man Defends Himself With Lethal Force Against An Attacking Mob
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EVANSVILLE, INDIANA — At the time of writing, the police are investigating this incident as an act of self defense. They are withholding many details of what they know until the investigation moves further along. At the moment no charges have been filed against the shooter. Here is what we know so far. The shooting…